Saturday, December 5, 2009

Pierce is 2

Well somehow it's happened. She's hit the big 'ole 2 year mark. She does seem to have stronger opinions more often, but she also understands the naughty spot, and it is a deterrent most days. We still stare in wonder and discuss how very in trouble we will be with other children because you cannot surely get this lucky twice.

Onto the fun...
We had a "Twinkle, Twinkle little star party" the week before her actual birthday. (Since her birthday is Thankgiving/Iron bowl week and we do want actual PEOPLE at her party.) My favorite sisters came and helped me and Peter get it together and everything turned out wonderfully! When Pierce woke from her nap, a few guests had already arrived so it was a great and exciting start. Our WONDERFUL friends the Adrians had already arrived and set up the jumpy jump and things just got better from there. Almost all the food was star shaped, there were star cookie-suckers to decorate and a huge star cake from Edgars (thanks to my wondermous in-laws.) Lots of fun gifts to draw her away from the TV, which is a growing struggle. The only bad part, well one of two, was when she realized the jumpy jump had been taken down. You would have thought they told her she never got to see me again. She was WAILING!!! "I WANT MA JUMPY-JUMP!!!" So sad. But don't worry, she did survive.

Here are some pics of all the fun. More catch-up posts to come!

Sisters drawing stars...

PBJ and quesadilla stars...
The amazing Adrian fam putting up the jumpy jump and the "decorating tent..."She loves Isaac, he's not quite as into the hugging.
Brittany, "dee dee," made star halos for everyone!